The skill code locater allows you to keep thousands of skill codes without having to memorize or keep a printed list.  You may use this search ways.


(1) Search for the skill code group by using up to two-characters of the three-digit skill code.

Example:  W will search for all codes that start with “W”.  WW will search for all codes that start with "WW".


(2) Search for a portion of the skill code description.

Example:  Key BANK to search for all skill codes that have the characters "bank" somewhere in the 25-character skill code description.


(3) Combine the two previous options together--search for all W codes that have “bank” in the description.


Note:  do not limit yourself through your selection.  If you want to search for the word MEDICAL in description, key MED in case you have used abbreviations.  See the documentation below for more thorough directions.


The following is a list of the features described in this document:


How To Use The Skill Code Locator (Menu Change, Item Skill Codes)


How To Use The Skill Code Locator From Within A Personnel File




To begin, on the “Search File Maintenance and Changes” menu, click [Skill codes].


The screen will display:




Defaults to company 01.  If you wish to locate a skill code in another company, key the desired company number.

Press the <TAB> key for additional keying.



Partial Skill Code:

Key up to two-characters of the codes you wish to display, or leave blank if you want to search by description only.


Press the <TAB> key for additional keying.



Skill description (or Up To Ten Characters Of Skill Description):

Note:  you would normally NOT use the description field if you use a two-character search.

Key up to ten-characters of the skill code description.


When you use this area, use only as many characters as absolutely necessary, to avoid problems with abbreviations, as well as to speed up the search process.  Searching for MEDICAL may exclude any codes where you entered MED in the description.  Searching PAYABLE may exclude any code where you entered A/P.


Note:  the group of characters that you use may fall anywhere in the skill description, not just the first ten characters.


You may search for TRAVEL from the description HAS MADE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS.


Note:  make certain you search for characters in the same order in which they appear in the actual description.  Searching MADE ARRAN would not retrieve HAS MADE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS.


To not proceed and return to the “Search File Maintenance and Changes” menu, click [Exit].


To proceed with locating skill codes, click [Find].



If you selected [Find] the screen will display:



If the system has located more codes than can display on one screen, click [PageDn] to display the next screen.



When you are finished with this search:

Click [Close] to begin a new search.


Click [Exit] to return to the “Search File Maintenance and Changes” menu.





To begin, on the skills codes screen in the personnel file, click [Skill code look-up].




The screen will display:



Follow the procedures documented above for entering up to two characters of the skill code or entering up to ten characters of skill description.



To not proceed and return to the skill codes area, click [Close].

To proceed with locating skill codes, click [OK].


The screen will display:



If you see a skill code you wish to assign to this applicant, <DOUBLE-CLICK> on the skill code, or highlight the code and click [Select] and it will be selected and keyed into a skill code field for you.  The selection screen will continue to display, allowing you to make further selections. 


When all 19 skill code positions on the applicant’s screen are filled, the selection window will display a message “A code cannot be selected because a blank code field is not available”. Click [Return], review the skills, and continue to the next skill code entry screen.  You may again use the Skill Code Locator from the additional skill code screen to select multiple skill codes.  You may select a total of 114 skill codes per applicant.


If you do not see the skill code you want, and the [PageDn] button is not grayed out, click [PageDn] to view more skill codes.  If you page down past the code you want, click [PageUp] will go back.  To return to the skill codes area without making a selection, click [Return].


Click [New find] to go back to the Skill code locater for additional skill code choices.