This option may be selected any time after the Calculate Taxes option has been processed.  The reports should be used to verify payroll accuracy prior to printing checks or invoices.


The following reports are produced as a part of this option:

(1) Payroll Check Register (PB506)

(2) Payroll Journal (PB508)

(3) Payroll Journal Void/Reissue Memo (PB508)

(4) Payroll Journal Prepaid Memo (PB508)

(5) Payroll Deduction Register (PB715)

(6) Garnishments Not Fully Deducted (PB426R)

(7) Payroll Deduction Payables Report (PB514)



(1) Payroll Check Register – lists all checks produced in this payroll, in check number order.  Prints the check number, check date, job order division and class, employee social security number and name, net amount of check, type of check, and G/L cash account number from which the check was written.  It also includes the total number of checks, and the total net amount of checks.  If the Payroll Constant file was set to print by office, then the system will produce one check register per branch office.


(2) Payroll Journal – lists all checks produced in this payroll, in either alphabetical or social security number order.  Prints the employee name and social security number, check number, type of check (void/reissue), branch office, division, GL class, week-ending worked, customer code, number of regular, overtime and double time hours being paid, gross dollars (which is a combination of hours and “other pay”), detail of taxes withheld, other pay (gross pay adjustments), deductions, and net pay.


If the check had a special check message, this prints on the journal as well.  The last page of the journal will display.  Printed are Total Gross, SS Withheld, Medicare Withheld, W/H Tax, State tax, Local tax, SDI Tax, Other Pay, Advances, Expenses, Deductions, Total Net pay, and any employer Matching dollars.  Please note that any figure printed beside TOTAL OTHER PAY is already included in the TOTAL GROSS figure.  We pull it out as a separate figure just for informational purposes.


(3) Payroll Journal Void/Reissue Memo – lists all checks voided and/or reissued in this payroll.  Any check listed on this report is also included on the regular payroll journal.  This report is simply a convenience for you to view all voids and reissues that were a part of the payroll, instead of you having to page through the journal trying to spot them.


(4) Payroll Journal Prepaid Memo – lists all prepaid checks processed in this payroll.  Any check listed on this report is also included on the regular payroll journal.  This report is simply a convenience for you to view all prepaid checks that were a part of the payroll, instead of you having to page through the journal trying to spot them.


(5) Payroll Deduction Register – lists all deductions processed in this payroll, sorted by deduction code.  Printed on the report are the deduction code, the employee name and social security number, the deduction amount, and any employer matching amount.  The report takes a total at the end of each deduction code, and a grand total for all code.


(6) Garnishments Not Fully Deducted – lists any deductions where the amount withheld from the check is less than the amount that was scheduled to withhold.  Since the system can automatically adjust deduction amounts based on the employee’s disposable income, the report serves as notification.  Printed on the report are the employee name and social security number, the deduction code, the deduction priority code, the week-ending worked, the requested amount, the amount deducted, and the reason(s) why the system was unable to deduct the full amount.


(7) Payroll Deduction Payables Report – prints accounts payable vendor information for use in producing an A/P check.  Included on the report are the vendor code, name and address, the employee name and social security number, and case/loan number.




To begin, on the “PayBill Master” menu, click [Payroll Processing].


The screen will display:



Right click on the white space to the right, or drag down the blue bar on the far right side of the screen to display more menu options.



Click [Preliminary Reports].  The screen will display:



Company Number:

Defaults to company 01.  If you wish to print the preliminary check register and payroll journal for a different company, key the desired company number.


To continue, click [OK].

If you prefer to NOT produce the reports, click [Exit].


If you chose to continue, the screen will display:



If you want the reports to go to your outqueue without displaying on your screen, key NO and press (enter).

If you want the reports to display on your screen, one by one, key YES and press (enter).