This option allows you to make minor changes to timesheets in the merged file or to delete timesheets from the merged file IF paychecks and/or invoices have not already been printed and posted.  Once the posting has occurred on checks or invoices you will not be able to access the merged file.  Call SkilMatch for assistance.


If you have a timesheet in error that requires changes other than the ones listed below, you must delete the timesheet from the merged file.  To include it in this payroll, re-enter it correctly in a new batch, merge the new batch into the merged timesheet file, and re-calculate taxes.


The following changes can be made to a timesheet in the merged file:


(1) Deduction frequency override

(2) Week-ending date

(3) Paycheck hold code

(4) Availability code (if used)

(5) Active to deleted


Each of these changes is, of course, subject to validation.


You will need the timesheet key number in the merged file.  Prior to beginning this option, print the Timesheets in Process report.  Refer to document Menu PBPROC, Item Timesheet List for further assistance.




To begin, on the “PayBill Master” menu, click [Payroll Processing].


The screen will display:



Right click in the white space on the right, or drag down the blue bar on the far right side of the screen to display more menu options.



Click [Change in Merged].  The screen will display:



Company Number:

Defaults to company 01.  If you wish to update timesheets for a different company, key the desired company number.


To continue, click [OK].

If you do NOT wish to update timecards, click [Exit].


If you chose to continue, the screen will display:



Key Of Record To Be Deleted Or Changed:

Obtain the key number of the timesheet from the Timesheets in Process report.  Key the appropriate key number and click [OK].


Display Deletion Totals:

Click this button at any time to display the totals of the timecards that have been deleted.


To continue, click [OK].

If you prefer to NOT make changes to timesheets in the merged file, click [Exit].


If you chose to continue, the screen will display:



Note: use the scroll bar to view the lower part of the timesheet.

Check carefully to make certain this is the timesheet you wish to delete or change.


To Change The Week Ending Worked:

Key the desired week-ending worked date in MMDDYY format.  Example: May 1, 2000 would be keyed 050100.



To Change The Paycheck Hold Code:

Key the first character of the paycheck hold code in the left check handling area.

Key the second character of the paycheck hold code in the right check handling area.

Note:  a paycheck hold code may have blank as one of the characters.  Example:  hold code M has M as the 1st character and blank as the second character.



To Change The Availability:

Key the desired availability.



To Change The Deduction Frequency Override:

Use the  button (prompt and select button) to the right of deductions to select from these options

(1) Withhold deductions based on system file.

(2) Withhold type 1 deductions only.

(3) Withhold type 2 deductions only.

(4) Withhold type 3 deductions only.

(5) Withhold type 1 and type 2 deductions.

(6) Withhold type 1, type 2 and type 3 deductions.

(7) Withhold type 2 and type 3 deductions.

(8) Withhold type 1 and type 3 deductions.

(9) Do not withhold any automatic deductions.



To Delete The Timesheet:

Click the Delete box so that a checkmark appears.


To not make changes to this timesheet and to exit the merged file, click [Exit].


To not make changes to this timesheet but to make changes to another timesheet in the merged file, click [Close].  You will be returned to the Timesheet Deletions or Changes screen where you may key another key number.


To continue with the changes made to this timesheet, click [OK].  You will be returned to the Timesheet Deletions or Changes screen where you may key another key number.


Repeat the preceding procedures to change/delete additional timesheets.



When you have finished changing/deleting timesheets, click [Exit].


The screen will display:



One of three situations may exist:


(1) Totals Balance/More Timesheets To Edit:

Click [Clear totals/Continue].  The totals will be reset to 0 and you will return to the timesheet deletions or changes screen.


(2) Totals Do Not Balance:

Click [Keep totals/Continue] to return to timesheet deletions or changes screen and display previously deleted or changed timesheets using the key number until you find the one in error.


Make corrections, click [OK] and then click [Display Deletion Totals] to display your batch totals again.


(3) Totals Balance/End Job/Return To Menu:

Click [Clear totals/Exit].  You will be returned to the PayBill Payroll Processing menu.


You will receive 2 reports (PB090 and PB094) verifying the changes and deletions made to the merged batch.