Valid Holidays




If your organization offers paid holidays as a part of paid time off (PTO) to temporary or staff employees, use this option to create a code and an associated calendar date for each holiday you recognize.  Each year you will need to update this file with the calendar days on which the holiday will fall.  If you plan to offer this PTO to both temporaries and to staff, you will need to set up the holiday types in both the Pay and Bill library and the Staff library.  If you plan to offer the same holiday to both sets of employees, we recommend you use the same code in each library.


Once the holidays have been created, go to Employee data entry or Employee updating and add the appropriate codes to an employee’s file.  If you wish to offer a ‘floating’ holiday for something like an employee’s birthday, use a calendar date of 999999.


Use this option to print a list of existing holidays, as well as to add new or make changes to current valid holidays.




Sign on to either the Pay and Bill library or the Staff Payroll library.  On the “File Maintenance” menu, click [Valid Holidays].


The screen will display:



Update or List?

If you want to add a new or change an existing holiday, key UPDATE and press <enter>.

If you want produce a printout of existing holidays, key LIST and press <enter>.


If you keyed LIST, then the system will add a report to your outqueue, and you will return to menu.


If you keyed UPDATE, then the next screen will display:




Defaults to company 01.  If you wish to work with the health plans types in a different company, key the desired company number.



Holiday code:

Key a new 2-character code to represent a holiday,


Click the  button to see a list of existing plans.  The screen will display:



If you do not see the holiday you want, and the [PageDn] button is not grayed out, then click [PageDn] to view more.  When you get to the end, [Top] will start the selections over again.  If you page down past a screen of selections, and wish to go back a screen, then click [PageUp].  To not select a plan, click [Close].  When you see the one you want to use, either <DOUBLE-CLICK> on the description, or highlight and click [Select].



To NOT proceed, click [Exit].  You will be returned to the “PayBill File Maintenance” menu.

To proceed, click [OK].


The screen will display:



Holiday description:

Key up to 25 characters that describe this holiday.

Example:  Thanksgiving



Holiday date:

Key the 6-digit date (MMDDYY) on which this holiday will fall this year,


Click  to select and insert a date.


You will need to update this day once per year.


If this holiday could fall on more than one day in a year (like employee birthdates), use a date of 999999.



Active/Delete Code:

A black dot should display beside ACTIVE.  Although unlikely, if you wish to disable this holiday, select delete by clicking on the option once (a black dot will appear next to your selection).


If you do NOT wish to add, change or delete this file and wish to try again, click [Close].


If you do NOT wish to add, change or delete this file and wish to return to the menu, click [Exit].


If you click [OK], the holiday will be added or changed, and you will return to the Holiday code screen for additional entry.


After you have completed adding Holiday codes, you will need to add valid holiday codes to the files of employees who are eligible for this paid time off.