Health Benefit Plans




If your organization offers health benefit plans to your temporary or staff employees, this option provides a convenient method of tracking detail about the plans, and can expedite the deduction of premiums from employee paychecks.  To use this feature, you must create a detailed record about each plan you offer.  Track the name of the carrier, the type of plan, a description, participation by customers, even the amount to be deducted from the employee. If you plan to offer a health benefit to both temporaries and to staff, you will need to set up the benefit types in both the Pay and Bill library and the Staff library.  If you plan to offer the same holiday to both sets of employees, we recommend you use the same code in each library.



Once a ‘plan’ is created, go to Employee data entry or Employee updating and add the valid plan (or plans) to an employee’s file.  If the ‘plan’ has been set up with a deduction code and deduction amount, then the system will automatically create an Employee Deduction record for the plan, instead of the normal additional manual entry of the deduction.  This not only saves you data entry time, but ensures accuracy as well.  You should have created a Deduction code for the plan before accessing this option. (see P/R G/L Distributions).  You should use the same code to represent both the Deduction and the Health Plan. 


If the premium changes, updating the plan’s master record here will automatically offer the option to update each employee’s deduction record as well – no need to manually change possibly hundreds of employee deduction records!


Use this option to print a list of existing plans, as well as to add new or make changes to current plans.




Sign on to either the Pay and Bill library or the Staff Payroll library.  On the “PayBill File Maintenance” menu, click [Health Benefit Plans].


The screen will display:



Update or List?

If you want to add a new or change an existing plan type, key UPDATE and press <enter>.

If you want produce a printout of existing plans, key LIST and press <enter>.


If you keyed LIST, then the system will add a report to your outqueue, and you will return to menu.


If you keyed UPDATE, then the next screen will display:




Defaults to company 01.  If you wish to work with the health plans types in a different company, key the desired company number.



Benefit plan code:

Key a new 2-character code to represent a type of health benefit using the same code as the associated Deduction,


Click the  button to see a list of existing plans.  The screen will display:



If you do not see the health plan you want, and the [PageDn] button is not grayed out, then click [PageDn] to view more.  When you get to the end, [Top] will start the selections over again.  If you page down past a screen of selections, and wish to go back a screen, then click [PageUp].  To not select a plan, click [Close].  When you see the one you want to use, either <DOUBLE-CLICK> on the description, or highlight and click [Select].



To NOT proceed, click [Exit].  You will be returned to the “PayBill File Maintenance” menu.

To proceed, click [OK].


The screen will display:




Key up to 25 characters that describe this insurance company or ‘carrier’ of the plan.

Example:  Blue Cross Blue Shield



Geographical coverage area:

Key up to 25 characters that describe the area covered by this plan.

Example:  State of Texas, or East Coast, or Harris county



Plan description:

Key up to 25 characters that describe this plan.

Example:  Medical only, or Medical/Dental



Plan type:  HMO or PPO or Standard (not HMO or PPO)

Select from HMO, PPO or Standard.  Click once to select (a checkmark will appear).



Covered family members:  Emp only or Emp + family or Emp + spouse

            Or Emp + children or Emp + 1 child.

Select from employee only, or employee plus family, or employee plus spouse, or employee plus children, or employee plus a one child.  Click once to select (a checkmark will appear).



Subsidizing customer:

This is an optional field.  If a customer is paying part of the expense of this benefit, key the cuscode, or click the  button to perform a Customer search to locate the cuscode.  Click [Exit] to insert the cuscode when located.


If you do not choose to key a cuscode, you will receive a warning error message when you complete this screen.  Press (F5) to acknowledge the omission.



Subsidizing customer is:  One customer or Customer group:

If you keyed in a cuscode in the previous area, then you must indicate whether the cuscode is part of a customer group (that all share the same first 6-characters), or is it an individual customer.



Customer hourly cost:

This information is for display purposes only.  The cost will not be used in the calculation of any rates throughout SkilMatch.  If you choose to, and if applicable, key up to $99.99.  (If whole dollars, remember to key 2 zeros to hold decimal place.)



Related deduction code:

If you want the system to create an employee Deduction record for you, key the deduction code that was designed for this benefit plan into this area.  (see P/R G/L Distributions)  When this plan is added to an employee’s file, then the system will automatically create a deduction record when you finish the employee’s record.  (We recommend that this Deduction Code be reserved for this particular Benefit Plan.  Do not use a Deduction code to represent both a Benefit plan deduction and a non-Benefit plan deduction.)


You may click the  button to locate the deduction code.



Deduction per pay period

Key the amount that should be deducted for this Health Benefit from an employee’s paycheck each pay period.  Key up to $99,999.99.  This amount will be used in conjunction with the deduction code keyed previously.


If a change is made to the default deduction amount for this Health Benefit Plan, then system will offer the option of automatically updating the deduction amount in each participating employee’s deduction record, so long as the employee file still reflects this benefit plan.


If the employee has a deduction record for the default code shown above, but the personnel file does not contain this Benefit plan, then the employee’s deduction record will NOT be changed to the new amount.  Also, if any employee uses a deduction amount that is different from this default, you must individually change the Employee’s file to a revised amount.



Delete this plan, no longer valid:

If this plan is active, leave the box blank.

If your organization does away with a plan, and it is no longer offered to employees, select delete by clicking on the option once (a check mark will appear next to your selection).


If you do NOT wish to add, change or delete this file and wish to try again, click [Cancel, don’t change].


If you do NOT wish to add, change or delete this file and wish to return to the menu, click [Exit].


If you click [OK], the benefit plan will be added or changed, and you will return to the Benefits plan screen for additional entry.



Add or change additional benefit plan types.  When you have finished and wish to return to the menu, click [Exit].  If no changes were made to the deduction amount, then you will return to menu.  If you made any changes to the deduction amount, the screen will display:



If you want the system to go the Employee Deduction file and update the records with the new amount, key YES and press <enter>.  Remember:  If the employee has the Deduction code, but their personnel file does not reflect this Benefit plan, then the deduction amount will NOT be changed.


The screen will display:



Click [OK] to continue.  You will return to menu.  Don’t forget that if any participant needs to have an amount deducted that is different from the amount in this master file, you will need to go to their individual employee file and change the amount.


If you NOT want the system to make automatic changes to the deduction records, and you plan to make manual changes to each employee’s deduction file, key NO. You will return to menu.