Note:  printed items in SkilMatch do not automatically print.  Print items are sent to your outq (an outq is a file where your print items are kept).  You can then go to your outq and decide what to do with each print item.  You may wish to display and then delete.  You may wish to print.



To begin, click “Attention” from any SkilMatch screen.  On screens where “Attention” does not appear, you may click “File” in the top left corner of the screen.  Then select “Attention Program”.


The screen will display:



Click “Work With Printer Output”.


The screen will display:



Your print files will display.  Note:  the print files on your system may differ from those displayed above.


Look under the STS (Status) column.  Ready (RDY) items will always display on top of Held (HLD) items.  Your most recent report request will be the last RDY item.  Do not delete job logs (QPJOBLOG) – used for programmer analysis should you encounter problems!  These joblogs are automatically Held, and will disappear when 7 days old.


The USER DATA column may help you to identify the print file you want to display or print.  Once you locate the print file, click once to highlight it.  You may then either:


(1) Display the item by clicking [Display].  Go to the top or bottom of the report by keying a T or B in the “Control” field.  Go to a specific page by keying P(space)XX – where XX is the page number.  Example:  P 13  Or, go to a specific word or number in the print file by keying the numbers or characters in the “FIND” area and pressing (F16).


(2) Delete the item by clicking [Delete].  On a second screen you will be asked to confirm your choice to delete.


(3) Print the item to any PC printer you have access to by clicking [Client Print].  The item will print, but will remain in the outq until you delete it.


(4) Print the item to any AS/400 printer by clicking [Change].  The screen will display:




Key the desired printer ID in the PRINTER area that currently displays OUTQ.

Note:  you must know your printer IDs.  Your choices will NOT be listed if you click the  button (prompt and select button) to the right of the printer area.



The system will display the type of paper that is needed for this print file.  You would not normally make a change to the type that is displayed.


Click [OK].  The print item will be sent to the printer.



When you have finished with this screen, click [Cancel] until you are back to a SkilMatch screen.  The item will disappear from your outq.





If you have 2 or more items that display on the same screen that you wish to print:

Note:  the items must all be displayed on the same screen; you cannot print more than one item at a time if the items are displayed on different screens.


(1) Click once on the first print item to highlight it.  Hold the CTRL key and click once on the second print item to highlight it.

(2) Print the items to any PC printer you have access to by clicking [Client Print].


(3) Print the item to any AS/400 printer by:

          (a) On the command line, key OUTQ(PRINTERID)

             Example:  OUTQ(PB) or OUTQ(P1) or OUTQ(LASER)

          (b) Click [Change].


All highlighted items will be sent to the designated printer.