This option displays the complete Accounts Payable (A/P) invoice history (invoices currently open and those already paid) for a vendor.


Displayed is every invoice ever entered into the system for this particular vendor along with the invoice number, date, amount, any open amount, last payment date and the number of days the invoice remained open (or is currently open).


NOTE:  AP Inquiry, Open Vendor Invoices was updated in 2020 to include full detail of vendor open/paid, payments and distributions.   Use option, Open Vendor Invoices for full details.



To begin, select the [Inquiry] menu in the Payables library.



The screen will display:



Next, scroll down or right click and select [Vendor Invoice History].



The screen will display:




Defaults to company 01.  To view open vendor invoices for a different company number, key the desired company number.




Key the desired vendor code.


Search for a vendor code by clicking the  button to the right.  This feature allows you to search for vendor code.



Select Invoice Number:

(Optional) To display one specific invoice, key the desired invoice number.




Select Starting Invoice Date:

(Optional) To display invoices starting at a specific invoice date, key the desired date.


Select date by clicking the  button (prompt and select) to the right of dates and a calendar will display from which you may click on a date to select, and then click [OK] to bring the calendar date into the date field.

NOTE:  If you selected a starting invoice date, the “Open balance” figure will only includes the amount for the invoice(s) selected.



To continue, click [OK].


To cancel and return to “Accounts Payable Inquiries” menu click [Exit]. 



If no invoice number or starting invoice date is selected, all invoices will display if you select [OK] to continue.



NOTE:  Vendor invoices display in sequence number order (in the order they were input).


If final totals are not displayed on the screen, additional invoices for this vendor are not shown, you will need to page forward through the records to view, click [PageDn]. 


To page backwards through the records, click [PageUp]. 



The final screen of invoices for this vendor will display the total of open invoices:


NOTE:  If you selected a starting invoice date, “Open balance” only includes the amount for the invoice(s) selected.




If you select a specific invoice number for this vendor, the screen will display the requested invoice:



NOTE:  “Open balance” only includes the amount for the invoice selected.



If you select a specific starting invoice date for this vendor, the screen will display records based on the starting date keyed (i.e. starting date below 07/01/2019):



NOTE:  “Open balance” only includes the total amount for the invoices selected based on starting invoice date.



To view payables history for a different vendor, click [Change vendor].


To page through this vendors records, click [PageDn] and/or [PageUp]. 


To view the vendors payables in reverse date order, click [Reverse dates].


To cancel and return to “Accounts Payable Inquiries” menu click [Exit]. 




Display Another Vendor:


To view the invoice history for another vendor before closing invoices for the current vendor displayed, click [Change Vendor].


The screen will display:



Key the vendor code of the next vendor.  You may also key a selected invoice number OR a selected starting invoice date.


To continue with invoice inquiry, click [OK].


To cancel and return to “Accounts Payable Inquiries” menu, click [Exit]. 



When you are finished viewing the vendor invoice history, click [Exit].  You will be returned to the “Accounts Payable Inquiries” menu.