The following is a list of the different features described in this documentation:


The [Forms] Option


The [Paste-From] Option


The [Employee], [Customer], [Job] Option


How To Modify a Form, Save the Modified Version, E-Mail the Final Form and/or Save the Final Form To the Appropriate File


How To Store An E-Mail In [Customer], [Employee], [Job]


The [Forms] Option:


Note:  this documentation assumes you know how to perform the following Windows functions:  open a file, copy a file, cut a file, paste a file, close a file, save a file, save changes to a file, etc.  This documentation also assumes, for those who wish to e-mail files, that you know how to include a file as part of an e-mail text and/or how to include a file as an attachment to an e-mail.


The [Forms] option, available in the employee file, customer file, or job order file in SEARCH, opens a folder on the AS/400 (or other designated server) where your company forms (for internal or external use) may be stored/accessed.


Note:  SkilMatch-E users’ forms must be stored on a server other than the AS/400.


Note:  forms may be Word documents, PDF files, pictures, etc.  Forms may be e-mailed, printed, or faxed.


Note:  it is recommended this folder be maintained by your system administrator.  End users should not add or delete items in this folder.  It is also recommended that a copy of each form be stored elsewhere for easy restoration in case of accidental deletion by a user.


The forms folder is accessible in a personnel file, customer file, or job order.  To access the forms folder, click [Forms].


The screen will display:



Note:  the items in your folder will be unique to your organization.  Your view of the items in your folder may be different than that above, depending on the version of Windows you use and the view selected in your Windows software.


Note:  the items in this folder are NOT private; they can be accessed by any SkilMatch user.


Caution:  be careful not to delete items from this folder.  If an item is accidentally deleted, inform your system administrator immediately.


The [Paste-From] Option:


The [Paste-From] option, available in the employee file, customer file, or job order file in SEARCH, opens a folder on your PC that serves as a ‘holding’ file for e-mails, Word documents, etc. 


Note:  the Paste-From folder resides on your local PC, not on your server.  It is quicker and easier to work with documents on your local PC.


The [Employee], [Customer], [Job] Option:


The [Employee], [Customer], [Job] options, available in the employee file, customer file, or job order file in SEARCH, opens a folder on the AS/400 (or other designated server) where you store e-mail (to or from), correspondence, forms, etc., which are associated with a particular employee, customer, or job. 


You determine the name for each file you store.  SkilMatch recommends the file name be descriptive enough that you easily know what the item is without having to open the file.


Note:  you may wish to incorporate some of your comment type codes for use in naming files.


Note:  SkilMatch-E users’ files must be stored on a server other than the AS/400.


Note:  files may be Word documents, PDF files, pictures, etc.  Files may be e-mailed, printed, or faxed.


How To Modify a Form, Save the Modified Version, E-Mail the Final Form and/or Save the Final Form To the Appropriate File:


With the forms folder displayed (refer to screen above), COPY the desired form.


Go back to your Customer File, Employee File, or Job Order in SEARCH (you can find the SkilMatch session on your bottom taskbar).  Once in the Customer File, Employee File, or Job Order in SEARCH, click [Paste-From].


The screen will display:



Note:  we recommend you keep the Paste-From folder cleaned up.  If you are doing that, there should be no items in this folder at this point.  Your view of the items in your folder may be different than that above, depending on the version of Windows you use and the view selected in your software.


PASTE the form.  You have now placed a copy of the form on your PC.


Note:  the Paste-From folder resides on your local PC, not on your server.  It is quicker and easier to work with documents on your local PC.


With the Paste-From folder displayed (refer to screen above), OPEN the form.  If it is a Word document, it will open in Word; if it is an Excel document, it will open in Excel; etc. 


Make the necessary modifications.  CLOSE the form and SAVE any changes.  The modified form is still in the Paste-From folder.


Note:  if you wish to e-mail this form, do it now while the form resides in the Paste-From folder.  Open your e-mail application.  You may insert this file as an attachment or paste it into the body of your e-mail as part of the e-mail text.


With the Paste-From folder displayed (refer to screen above), CUT (DO NOT COPY) the form.


Note:  by cutting the form, you are keeping your Paste-From folder cleaned up.


Go back to your Customer File, Employee File, or Job Order in SEARCH (you can find the SkilMatch session on your bottom taskbar).  Once in the Customer File, Employee File, or Job Order in SEARCH, click [Customer], [Employee], [Job], depending on where you wish to place a copy of this modified form.


PASTE the form.


Note:  if you wish to paste this form in additional places, COPY it now, go to the desired location and PASTE.  You can paste a copied item multiple times if necessary without re-copying it.


How To Store An E-Mail In [Customer], [Employee], [Job]:


In your e-mail client (Outlook, Outlook Express, etc.), select the appropriate e-mail.


Click “File” and then select “Save As”.


Save in - ‘Paste-From’ folder.


File name – give the item a name descriptive enough that you easily know what the item is without having to open the file.


Save as type – we recommend you save as type .txt to ensure the file can be opened by other staff members.  Saving as other types may produce unpredictable results.


Click [Save].


In SkilMatch, go to the appropriate customer, employee, or job order in SEARCH.  Click on [Paste-From].


With the Paste-From folder displayed (refer to screen above), CUT (DO NOT COPY) the form.


Note:  by cutting the form, you are keeping your Paste-From folder cleaned up.


Go back to your Customer File, Employee File, or Job Order in SEARCH (you can find the SkilMatch session on your bottom taskbar).  Once in the Customer File, Employee File, or Job Order in SEARCH, click [Customer], [Employee], [Job], depending on where you wish to place a copy of this modified form.


PASTE the form.


Note:  if you wish to paste this form in additional places, COPY it now, go to the desired location and PASTE.  You can paste a copied item multiple times if necessary without re-copying it.


Note:  in the job order, you have all three options ([Customer], [Employee], and [Job]); you can store the e-mail in all three places if you desire (as you can with SkilMatch job comments).