(As of December 19, 2013)
The following
withholding tables are based on the “early release” tax information available
to SkilMatch as of December 19, 2013.
SkilMatch will notify you if there are any additional changes in the tax
Note: The Federal Government only provides tax
tables for Married and Single (no tables for Head of Household). Although the IRS allows users to file tax
returns as Head of Household, there is no table. Your staff must use the guidelines for Head of Household on the
form W-4 to assist with employee withholdings.
NOTE: Tax table changes are
effective for the company number entered.
You will need to REPEAT the
setup for ALL company numbers for
which you are calculating payroll taxes.
Tax tables will be effective for both Temp and Staff for this company
When SkilMatch staff or a
SkilMatch program provides information, data, calculation, tax tables, magnetic
media or paper reporting to SkilMatch customers, a “best efforts” attempt has
been made by SkilMatch to verify that the information is correct as SkilMatch
understands it or as it has been explained to SkilMatch. SkilMatch-provided tax tables and reporting
are provided to assist customers in setting up your tax table records and to
assist customers in reporting to government authorities. Tax laws and requirements change frequently
and it is a customer’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of all
SkilMatch-provided information and reporting with your tax advisor, accountant
and/or attorney.
SkilMatch attempts to monitor for
tax table and reporting changes.
However, when a customer receives ANY notification of change from a
taxing authority, SkilMatch should be notified. SkilMatch depends on customers who are closest to the taxing
authorities to provide information that will affect their businesses. Any and all written, verbal or electronic
information provided by SkilMatch regarding tax tables and government reporting
(1) is meant to provide general information about the payroll process, (2) is
not intended to provide tax or legal advice, (3) is not intended to address,
and is not meant to address, the entire body of federal, state and local law
and regulation governing the payroll process, payroll taxes, government
reporting or employment law. Such laws
and regulations change frequently and their effects can vary widely based upon
specific facts, circumstances and timing.
Each customer is responsible for consulting with a professional tax
advisor, accountant and/or attorney concerning its specific concerns and