The number of separate invoices that a customer will receive in a payroll cycle depends on the following:



Whether or not "cumulative" billing is selected:  If you have selected "cumulative" billing, then invoices are not processed until after all individual payrolls are finished.  If you do NOT select "cumulative" billing, the invoices will be printed as a part of each payroll, i.e., if a customer has timesheets processed in more than one payroll, then they will also have invoices produced from each payroll.


Number of Cuscodes:  A separate invoice is created for each unique cuscode.  If a customer has multiple billing addresses, then that customer will be assigned multiple cuscodes, all belonging to a group (sharing same first 6 characters).   Each unique cuscode will receive it's own invoice(s).


Invoice sequence selected during each payroll:  During payroll you may select an invoice sequence that either ignores the Job’s Branch/Division/Class classification, or uses it to create separate invoices.


If you select a sequence that is used to create separate invoices, then a separate invoice is created for each combination of Branch/Division/Class that appears on the job orders belonging to a cuscode.


For example, if a customer has regular temps, payrolling temps and temp-to-hire temps, then multiple invoices will be generated.  The same holds true for multiple divisions, or multiple branch offices.  For each new combination of branch/division/class on a cuscode's job orders, a separate invoice will be created.


If you select a sequence to ignore the Job's Branch/Division/Class combination, then separate invoices will not be created because of the various combinations.


(continued, next page)



Customer’s Invoice Preparation selection:  Invoices will be created based on the Invoice Preparation Definition in the customer's file:



Customer's Invoice Sort selection and number of different Departments:  Separate invoices will be created if a sort other than "NO SORT" or "SUBTOTAL" is selected for a customer.  (You must also have “Multiple job/multiple page invoice” as the Invoice Preparation to use this feature).  This will instruct the system to create a new invoice for each different "department" it finds on the job orders being processed.  The only deviation to this MIGHT be (depending upon “invoice sequence” above) if the jobs belonging to a specific department have different BR/DIV/CLASS combinations.


Special functions used during Timesheet data entry:  During timesheet entry you may create separate invoices by using the "=2=" or "=3=" function in the INVOICE ADJUSTMENT field.  Both of these methods will affect how many invoices are generated for a customer:



Credit memos:  A credit memo is always printed as a separate invoice with it's own invoice number.